Best of roxane gay twitter

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We have disposable time and the ability to access the Internet regularly. Among those of us who participate in intellectual communities, privilege runs rampant. Few people in the developed world, and particularly in the United States, have no privilege at all. “Privilege is relative and contextual.Consider me already knocked off.” -from “Introduction” Then they get knocked off when they fuck it up. People who are placed on pedestals are expected to pose, perfectly. “I am a bad feminist because I never want to be placed on a Feminist Pedestal.Quotes | roxane gay quotes | feminism quotes | feminist quotes' srcset=' 683w, 200w, 100w, 33w, 735w' sizes='(max-width: 598px) 100vw, 598px" data-type="undefined" target="_blank">

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Here are 33 powerful Roxane Gay quotes for when you need a little extra something to help you persist-and to remind you that you’re not doing it alone. Most of the time-especially when she writes about violence, trauma, and systemic racism and sexism-that means her words aren’t easy to read but it also means I set down her books with a renewed dedication to taking up space, speaking my mind, and fighting for the rights of women of every shape and color. Whether she’s offering up criticism or tenderness, snarkiness or heart-wrenching sincerity, I can always count on Roxane Gay for one thing: she’ll tell me the truth.

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