Loudest gay bar seattle

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The flames spread from the trash bin to an exterior wall of the building housing Queer/Bar. He later told a random stranger he wanted to trap the people inside and injure them, the DOJ states. “I think it’s wrong that we have a bunch of queers in our society,” he told the officers. He was arrested minutes after starting the fire outside Queer/Bar on February 24, 2020, and he told police he set the blaze because the sign with the word “queer” made him angry. Kalvinn Garcia, 25, of Sedro-Wooley, Wash., admitted to anti-LGBTQ+ intent, according to a press release from the U.S. A Washington state man who objected to “a bunch of queers in our society” pleaded guilty Thursday to a hate crime after having set a fire two years ago in a trash bin next to a Seattle gay bar in hopes of harming the bar’s patrons.

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